Edenwald-Land in Saskatchewan
English: The "Denkschrift zum Silber-Jubilaeum ..." of 1922 however still has it as
Edenwald. It continues indicating that Pastor SCHMIEDER first held services at Edenwald / Edenwold on Oct. 30, 1889; On Sept. 27, 1890 17 families decided to form the St. Johns Ev. Lutheran church; July 17, 1893, the church was dedicated, this being the second church for this Synod in Western Canada. (the first being the Trinity Lutheran church in Winnipeg). Edenwald / Edenwold served the Germans settlers of Davin, Kronau, Longlake and Strassburg.
Pastor R. Kersten is mentioned in the History of St. John's Lutheran Congregation, Edenwald, Saskatchwan, 1890-1915. Written for the 25th Anniversary of the Congreagation on August 8, 1915 by Pastor C. Kleiner. Translated from German by Dr. P. Engstrom, Luther College, Regina, Saskatchewan.
"The successor to Pastor Roehle was Pastor Fürst from Beausejour, Manitoba. He began his service in on September 26, 1909, but resigned on August 1, 1913. in order to return again to Beausejour. During his time the congregations (town and country) numbered 57 families, about 150 souls. Under Pastor Fürst a small fraction of the members of the congregation (presently Edenwald town congregation) who lived in Hednesford , Saskatchewan, organized to form an independent congregation, the "St. Paul's Congregation." In August of 1913 Pastor Kersten began a period of service as successor to Pastor Fürst but resigned again at the beginning of May 1915."
His name is mentioned again in A History Of The Parish, by Hannelore Frombach, (excerpted from Where Aspens Whisper, the 1981 history of the Edenwald community)
"Pastor Conrad Kleiner came to Edenwald in 1915, following Reverend R. Kersten (1913 to 1915)."
These excerpts were from the History book, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church history, 1890-1990. Rostern was part of this parish at one time, but is only mentioned for the period 1894 to 1897.
Excerpts from a history written for the 75th Anniversary of st. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Edenwold, September 26, 1955. (Note where both spellings were used - "Edenwald" and "Edenwold")
"From the headquarters in Edenwold, Pastor Schmieder served the communities of Longlaketon, Strassburg, Davin, Kronau, Neudorf, Regina, Rosthern, Dunmore and even Edmonton district. On Sunday, September 7, 1890, the settlers organized a congregation, and it was called St. John Lutheran Congregation of Edenwald. The membership consisted of 17 families. This date in 1890 did indeed fall on a Sunday, a day on which congregation members would most likely be together. The other six days of the week would be spent farming full time in order to survive."
Excerpt from "The Edenwald District and the Synod" by Dr. Richard Hordern (Not dated)
"But what was Edenwald and why am I not spelling it as 'Edenwold'? That second spelling came in later, especially after the townsite laid out in 1911, was given that name. But even after that date the Edenwald parish register I have been working with continues to spell the district 'Edenwald'. Only once or twice does the spelling 'Edenwold' seem to slip in."
The Edenwold Post Office was established on November 1, 1890 by the Canadian government.
The Rural Municipality of Edenwold was officially incorporated on December 19, 1912 in the Province of Saskatchewan.
The official name is Edenwold and here is why:
Emigrants lived in a settlement which they named Neu-Tulscha (also spelled Neu-Tulcea or New Tulscha), first settled in 1885. According to various accounts, the name was changed when the Reverend H. Schmieder, a Lutheran missionary, came to the district in 1889. He told Phillip Mang, Sr., that it reminded him of the Garden of Eden. Mang was perhaps thinking about the many aspen groves when he said that it looked more like woods than a garden and thereby introduced the name "Edenwald". This name was sent to Ottawa, the Canadian capital, for registration, but a clerical error substituted an "o" for the "a," and the spelling has remained Edenwold.
VolynWiki: Startseite / Persönlichkeiten / K / KERSTEN, Rudolf